Our goal is to support you with an overview of relevant current research – brief and to the Point! CeraNews - to the Point is published regularly and available for the global CeraNews community on all types of mobile devices. Our newsletter is structured around the following key topics: Implant Material, Outcome Research and Health Economics & Policy.

Heinz Mittelmeier Award
Each year the German Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery e.V. (DGOOC) presents the EUR 5,000 Heinz-Mittelmeier Research Award in collaboration with CeramTec GmbH. The award is offered to young doctors, engineers and scientists age 45 and under for outstanding research and development work in the field of bioceramics.
Orthopedics Meets Dentistry - Virtual Panel Discussions
Follow the virtual panel discussions on bioceramics in medical technology.
Go to Orthopedics Meets Dentistry